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Thanks for stopping by.   Our goal is to add healing, positivity and joy to the world around us through Reiki, Guided Meditation and Spiritual Mentoring.   

  • We believe in Reiki and energy healing because our clients, including those that are virtual thousands of miles away, report incredible results that range from 'reduced anxiety', 'less pain', all the way to reporting an experience as absolutely 'transformative'.

  • We believe in Guide Meditation because it's proven to create calmness, peace and a state of well being in those that regularly practice.

  • We believe in Spiritual Mentoring because regardless of how 'in touch' one may be, we all experience contrast, or times that we feel we may need more spiritual direction.    

We are also dedicated to the well-being, healing, evolution and teaching of all sentient beings because we believe that every man, woman and child, regardless of their religion, skin color, sexual orientation, age, or any other societal category, are part of the same energy source and are all inherently connected to one another.

"All soul are equal.  The only difference between you and me is that I made the effort.  I showed God that I love Him, and He came to me.  Love is the magnet from which God cannot escape."  - Paramahansa Yogananda

Together we heal. Together we evolve.


If you have a question, drop us an email at

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